The Epica Awards 2019 came to a close with a ceremony held in Amsterdam at the KIT (Royal Tropical Institute). Winners came from as far as Canada and Uzbekistan to pick up their prizes and celebrate their victories.
Editorial Director Mark Tungate once again took the audience through the showcase of Gold winners, all the way to the much awaited Grand Prix. The level was particularly high this year, which made for a wide range of emotions in the room. The most laughter was undoubtedly caused by the funny and absurd Thai film "Bok Choy" By Leo Burnett Thailand. Later on, Piyush Pandey, the legendary Indian creative, Chairman of Ogilvy India and Ogilvy’s Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide, received this year's Creative Leaders Tribute with a heartfelt speech.
The night continued with the After Party to the rhythm of new and old school music DJ'd by Sizzer. Creatives and the press got to mingle, drink and dance in the majestic marble hall turned dance-floor during this unique event.
Summing up the winners, jury President Fiona Rogers, COO of Magnum Photos, said: “Some complex issues were approached in an innovative and memorable way – from highlighting company heritage stories to raising awareness of public service initiatives, often using the medium as the message itself. The winners are a positive reinforcement of how brands are increasingly moving towards a sense of ‘purpose’ in their strategic thinking, and how their creative delivery can provide better representation, more impact and ultimately business uplift.”
Image: Fiona Rogers on stage for the Film Grand Prix
Commenting on the Network of the Year prize, Rob Reilly, Global Creative Chairman, McCann Worldgroup, said: “This recognition would not have been possible without the hard work from our teams around the world and the trust that our clients have given us in representing their brands. To have the global media celebrate our work validates the impact that creativity can have on solving our clients’ biggest business issues.”
Image: The team from McCann Dusseldorf receiving the pyramid on behalf of the Network
The Responsibility Grand Prix for cause-related work went to McCann New York for “Changing the Game”, its campaign for Microsoft's Adaptive Controller for the Xbox, which enables disabled children to play video games.
Image: Isa Kurata from Act Responsible commenting on this year's Responsibility Grand Prix
The new PR Grand Prix was won by Scholz & Friends Berlin for “The Tampon Book”. This highlighted the fact that tampons in Germany were taxed like luxury goods – at 19 per cent – while some genuine luxury goods were taxed at only 7%. The agency got around this by selling tampons inside books, which are taxed at the lower rate. Adding its voice to similar protests, the campaign was ultimately successful and the tax rate for tampons was changed.
Image: Danny Rogers, Editor in Chief of PR Week presenting the new PR Grand Prix
The Alternative Grand Prix went to “Parisian Rendezvous” by Wunderman Thompson Paris, for a small concept store with an equally small budget. Dozens of the city’s popular app-located electric scooters were “borrowed” and parked outside the store, luring potential customers who often paused to shop. Creative director Thomas Derouault commented: “First of all, thank you very much to all the members of the jury who voted for us. This started out as a really small project. It pretty much was a case of ‘what can we do to attract the most attention to these shops with no money?’ It’s been a great ride to see our brave client follow us on this, the agency teams doing everything on their own, the public reacting so well to it, the police not fining us and the scooter rental companies not suing us. All of this makes us really proud to receive this award.”
Image: Thomas Deroult and Thomas Blanc from Wunderman Thompson Paris, next to Marie Caroline Royer from French Magazine Stratégies
The Digital Grand Prix was won by Ogilvy Germany with “No Need To Fly – Around the World In Germany”, for the Deutsche Bahn railway service. The data-driven campaign used algorithms to deliver images of far-flung exotic destinations alongside pictures of very similar places closer to home – and far cheaper to reach by rail.
Image: Stephan Vogel, CCO of Ogilvy EMEA picking up the prize
Sweden’s Åkestam Holst won the Print Grand Prix for “Without the Whole Picture”, a collaboration between newspaper Expressen and newsagent Pressbyrån. It showed famous news photos with a vital element removed, thus distorting the story and demonstrating the value of on-the-spot photojournalism and press freedom.
Image: Johan Landin, Filip Laurent, Lennart Schultz and Bella Lagerquist of Åkestam Holst

The Design Grand Prix went to McCann Tel Aviv for its Ikea project “ThisAbles”, a remarkable series of 3D printable add-on adaptors for Ikea goods and furnishings, making them immediately more accessible or comfortable for disabled people.
Last but not least, the Film Grand Prix was won by advertiser Daimler for “Mercedes Benz – Bertha Benz”. The gripping film tells the story of Bertha Benz, who proved the worth of her husband’s “Patent Motor Car” by taking it on the first long distance journey ever attempted in an automobile: 180 kilometres from Mannheim to Pforzheim – and back.
• Network of the Year: McCann Worldgroup
• Agency of the Year: McCann New York
• Production Company of the Year: Moving Picture Company
Entrants & Entries by Country
This year Epica received 3410 entries from 61 countries. The highest number of entries came from Germany followed by France and the United States. We noticed an increase in entries from Georgia, Uzbekistan, Israel, Canada and China. New countries include Cyprus, Luxembourg, Armenia and Malta.
Results by Country
Germany was top in the country rankings with 64 awarded projects including three Grand Prix and 20 Golds, followed by France with 60 awarded projects including one Grand Prix and 9 Golds 22. You will find full details of all the winners Here.
Founded 32 years ago, Epica is the only worldwide creative award judged by journalists from the marketing, design and advertising press, as well as specialist reporters in fields ranging from production to VR and luxury branding.
We would like congratulate all the winners and thank all participants as well as the international trade press with its more than 200 journalists on the jury.
Photos by Jeunique Mingels