Epica book

The world's best work, curated by leading journalists.
Sent out to entrants, jurors, opinion leaders and VIPs.
Available through selected art and design bookstores.
Have you got the “write” stuff? The Epica Book is a way of finding out. Our jury of writers on marketing, communications and creativity effectively chose all the work featured in its pages. In a digital world, the book is a lasting analogue record of the world’s best commercial artistry.
Published by Bloomsbury – the London publisher that discovered Harry Potter – this annual dose of inspiration has become almost as hotly anticipated as the winners’ list itself. That’s because the book is more than a compendium of winning work and high-scoring entries. It also offers exclusive interviews and insights into the evolution of our industry.
The foreword is by Alexander Schill, Chief Creative Officer of Serviceplan Group. The cover illustration, “Excuses”, is by UK illustrator Jacqueline Bissett.

Last year was summed up by the emergence of youthful voices mobilizing a whole planet to climate strike. Fridays For Future saw people of all ages take to the streets to stand up for their tomorrow. The creativity surrounding this was powerful.
A similar movement happened in the world of communication where more and more companies took a stand behind a purpose – united with consumers to do good together. We see much of this impressive work judged at this year’s Epica.
In 2020 we are witnessing a new chapter of history unfold with the challenges brought by Covid-19. No country has been left unscathed and no brand has not had to make adjustments. Every individual has been touched by it.
The crisis has shown how much we need creativity to overcome it. It brings a shift from purpose-driven communication towards a more empathetic expression of solidarity with the general public. In doing so brands will retain share of market and even more important: share of soul.
Gone will be the serious tones of many campaigns. Doing good will not be about “just” saving the world but about making the people feel better. Creativity will evolve to ÜberCreativity: employing every person, discipline, media and technology available to create the highest innovations which bring light, wonder and joy back to this world.
As budgets will still be recovering, more than ever before, we will need to look for that little bit of “crazytivity” in our work. Loud ideas which pop and engage the imagination no matter which screen you view it on or how. Ideas that stay over time.
But agencies and clients will not be able to do this alone. We will have to engage stronger than ever with our customers and make them part of our communication.
We will need consumers to talk about us. For that our colleagues in the newsrooms will continue to be our day-to-day partners generating conversations. Journalists, the backbone of the Epica Awards, will be able to move from breaking news to constructive journalism guiding society and shaping the relevant stories we need to focus on in communication.
As my company celebrates 50 years since its founding, I, even in these troubled months, am hungry for what lies ahead. Together with my colleagues we wake up with the curiosity to find new, exciting ways to communicate. In the end, it is a privilege to do what we do. Essentially we get paid for the ideas inside our heads. Let’s make sure, as an industry, we continue to prove worthy of it.
Long live creativity!
Alexander Schill is Chief Creative Officer of Serviceplan Group
Epica tributes
We’re delighted to present you with our Epica Tributes. These e-books are our way to pay tribute to some of the brands and agencies that have been the most successful at Epica. Each of them contains all of the brand's or agency network's best Epica entries over the past few years. We hope you enjoy them.
Press coverage
Take a look at some of the international press coverage that the Epica Awards attracts.